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10th Gen

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9th Gen

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8th Gen

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7th Gen

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6th Gen

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5th Gen

  • What is CertifiedUsedPhone?

    CertifiedUsedPhone is an online reCommerce service that helps you sell your used electronics for cash. Whether you are selling your iPhone, iPad or other smartphone, CertifiedUsedPhone helps you get value for your old electronics.

  • What Happens When I Sell My iPad?

    Once your trade in is received, your cell phones and electronics are inspected to make sure their condition matches your evaluation. Then we send your payment. The process takes about a week once we receive your box.

  • What Can I Sell to CertifiedUsedPhone?

    You can sell your used iPhone, Samsung phone, Google phone, or iPad, to CertifiedUsedPhone. In addition to Apple products, we buy back smartphones from AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and other major cell phone carriers.